Planet Watch

Check and know how the planets affect you lifelong.
These checks are done through subtle vibration check methods.

 It is possible to conduct these subtle vibration checks for any location from anywhere. These vibration checks are most reliable and accurate.

This is useful in the following areas:

  • To check and know the strong and weak aspects as resulting through the gravitational effects of the planets.

  • To understand the approach needed to be adopted in areas of weakness. This is helpful to maintain steady rise in life.

  • To know the ease or struggle, success or failure in a time-period of life that would result through planet affect.

  • To know the time period in which one is better advised to maintain self-peace and inner harmony through a conscious approach.

This can be provided through internet.
All that is needed to make the check report is name of the individuals. Nothing else is needed.
Reports shall be emailed within 48 hours of receiving the request.

Note: in accordance to the checks made, on specific request we can also advise you the most suitable gemstone to be used.



(before 1 yr)

(now + 9 months)


(after 1 yr)


Slightly Unfavourable





Slightly Unfavourable

Slightly Unfavourable (3 – 4 Years)




Unfavourable (2 – 4 Years)


Slightly Unfavourable






Slightly Favourable (After 9 Months)



Slightly Unfavourable




Slightly Unfavourable

Slightly Favourable


Slightly Unfavourable

Slightly Unfavourable



Slightly Unfavourable


Slightly Unfavourable (9 Months)

In the past, the effect of the Sun was not allowing the client to attain his ambitions. However, in the present he is in the process of achieving success and in the future the Sun will slowly but steadily help him to achieve everything he sets out to do.

He is basically a cool person, with slight ups and downs emotionally due to the influence of the Moon. In the present, the Moon is causing mental turmoil and making him feel dissatisfaction towards his environment and achievements. This dissatisfaction could continue for about 3-4 years.
He was motivated towards achieving his goals, but had lack of self-confidence, and felt incapable of doing what he wanted to. This was due to the effect of Mars. In the present, Mars is causing anger to surface with regard to the circumstances of his life and work. This irritation and strain continues for a period of 2-4 years before it cools down.
Mercury has made him take a back seat in business matters, and has allowed others to go ahead of him. Now, the client is not ready to accept what is being offered to him. This is causing stress in his right lower back. It will still take about 10 months before there is any improvement.

Jupiter did not favour him in the past, creating a lot of struggle in the field of education. In the present, he is being made to feel the burden of his responsibilities. After a time frame of about 9 months, his luck will improve, though not tremendously. Stomach problems ongoing.

Due to Venus being favorable, there was some amount of logical progress, but limited. Luck smiled in matters of the heart, but lack of communication created disharmony. In the present, Venus is creating some strain on relationships. However, within 3-4 months, there will be relief in emotional matters. Relationships will improve and there will be progress and harmony in work matters.

Saturn has affected the health of the stomach region. It was also causing a lack of balance in his mental state of mind. It was putting a lot of obstacles and hardships in his way. This is now beginning to stabilize, but is still putting forth limitations. In the future, the stomach continues to get negatively affected.

Rahu could have caused problems connected with the throat, like thyroid or tonsils, laryngitis, etc. In the future, there could be a weakness in the back and heart which needs to be cared for. In the future, self confidence will improve. This could take about 7 months to be completed.

Ketu was causing a lot of disruption, due to which the client may have had to listen to a lot of criticism. Now he is not able to move forward. Someone may betray him, so he should be careful and not trust people easily. In the future, after about 9 months, he could receive some inspirational ideas which will help him to set things right. Slight disruptions will continue, but can be overcome.

Author: admin