

Lines on hands has intrigued man folks
since time immemorial. Archaeological discoveries have discovered hands Palmistrymade
of stone, wood and ivory by ancient civilizations. Information on the laws and
practice of hand reading have been found in Vedic scripts, the Bible and early
Semitic (Egyptians, Arabic) writings.

Chinese used thumb prints while sealing important documents in 3000 b.c. Aristotle (384-322 bc) discovered a treatise on palmistry on an alter to the god Hermes. The Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen (ad 130-200) were both known to the use of palmistry as a clinical aid. Julius Caesar (102-44 bc) judged his men by palmistry.
Palmistry was branded as devil worship by the Catholic Church and forced it underground. Anyone found to have an interest was quickly murdered. As the church started to lose its influence in society, notable people such as Paracelsus (1493-1541) and Fludd (1574-1637) brought deserved importance to palmistry through their work. Later Dr Carl Carus, physician to the king of saxony in the 19th century matched palms to personality. Advances in genetics, psychology and forensics have propelled palmistry into the modern age. Contrary to popular opinion palmistry is not just a way telling what will happen but also a way of finding out why things happen. Scotland yard adopted the technique of fingerprinting in criminal investigation and identification in 1901. Medical researchers studying skin patterns (dermatoglyphics), have discovered a correspondence between genetic abnormalities and unusual markings in the hand. Research has confirmed a link between specific fingerprint patterns and heart disease. These days palmistry is well accepted throughout the world. Professional palmists can be found reading palms in every country in the world. Palmistry can be defined as the science of study of birth lines on one’s hand an dthe
study if the structure of hand. It involves the shape, features and the general
appeal of the hand. Palmists have give different inferences to their discoveries
of the study of palm

Heart Line

Contrary to popular opinion palmistry is not just a way telling what will happen but also a way of finding out why things happen. This is so true when we look at the heart line. The heart line is not reliable when it comes to timing events therefore
using it as a timing gauge is not recommended. Imagine two heart lines extending
from the edge of the hand below the little finger to between Palmistry_2the
first and second fingers. The first line is a deep curve while the second heart
line is more straight. The curved line is active in romantic matters while the
straight line is passive. The curved heart line is aggressive in love, the
straight is receptive. The curved line is demonstrative while the straight line
thinks about love. Interestingly the curved line is much more common on male
hands while the straight line is more common on female hands. A heart line that
becomes a steep curve below the index and middle finger indicates someone who
has a strong sexual desire. If the heart line ends up under the index finger it
indicates someone who is choosy about their partner. In studying the hands of
many married people it is found that in cases where the marriage is a success
the partners tend to have similar heart lines. It is rare for the heart line to
end up under the middle finger. People with this line tend to be dominated by
the need for love. When the heart line is straight and short it is noticed these
people have no romance only just a crude sex drive. People with a straight heart
line ending on the mount of Jupiter tend to make good welfare workers. These
people tend to drop out of society and go live on a commune. Two or more
branches on the heart line indicate a corresponding number of different sides to
the emotional nature. A heart line that has a strong branch that reaches down
and touches the life line indicates someone who is easily hurt in love.

Head Line
Although the head line shows how a person thinks it does not show how intelligent you are. An average head line ends somewhere under the ring finger. A short head line indicates a person whose thinking is simple and straight to the point. A long head line indicates a person who thinks things through very carefully. A straight head line indicates clear concentrated thinking. A curved head line belongs to a person who likes to play with new ideas. Sloping head lines belong to creative people. Horizontal head lines belong to people who look at the practicle side of the matter. Chained head lines belong to highly strung people. A fork in the headline shows the ability to see more than one point of view. A floating head line is indicative of someone with a carefree attitude. A head line that starts under the index finger indicates a brilliant mind.

Life Line
The life line does not indicate how old you will live. What the line reveals is the quality of your life. It is an index of how much vitality, strength and energy you have. A life line running close to the thumb indicates a person of low vitality, sometimes found in the hands of people who suffer chronic fatigue syndrome. A life line that runs a wide curve shows a person with lots of vitality, get up and go. If the head line is stronger than the life line it shows a person who is more mentally than physically active. A chained life line indicates a delicate health. Little lines rising indicate an active personality. Outward swinging lines indicate a love of travel. Most of the small lines on the life line refer to particular events at certain times of your life. A branch leading to the Jupiter mount is a sign of academic achievement. A branch that leads to the Saturn mount indicates a successful property transaction. A branch towards the Apollo mount indicates monetary gain. A branch towards the Mercury mount indicates business success.

Fate Line
Strong fate lines belong to people who settle into a pattern of life early. Weak fate lines tend to belong to people who are unsettled and tend to change jobs a lot. Fate lines starting at the very bottom of the palm indicate people who settle into their life path early. When the fate line ends at the head line it indicates a person who seems to lose their way somewhere between 30 to 40 years old. You will find that most fate lines end at the heart line. However if the fate line runs all the way almost to the middle finger these people tend to be active right up into old age. A fate line that is tied to the heart line indicates a restricted childhood. Two fate lines are found on people who pursue two careers at the same time. The absence of a fate line indicates a person who lacks stability. It is also found on the hands of alcoholics and drug addicts. Strong fate lines belong to people who settle into a pattern of life early. Weak fate lines tend to belong to people who are unsettled and tend to change jobs a lot.


The Fire Hand
The fire hand has a long palm and short fingers. People with this shaped hand tend to be active, outgoing and often extroverts. They are excitable and emotional. They like to be in charge and control other people. There is always a large number of strong lines on the hands and usually whorl fingerprints. Fire handed people tend to have a lot of injuries and accidents.

Earth Hand
People with an earth hand have square palms with short fingers. There are usually few lines and often arches on the fingertips. People with this hand don’t like change. They tend to be slow in nature and have a strong affinity to nature and the bush. They are emotionally stable and make the best workers. Interesting is the fact that you often find successful artists and photographers with earth hands. Most people with trade jobs such as a carpenter have earth hands.

The Air Hand
The air hand has a square palm with long fingers. The lines tend to be thin and the prints are usually loops. They are good at talking and writing. They are cheerful and happy people who often end up working in the communication industry. They need constant intellectual stimulation and have a low boredom threshold.

For centuries, medicine has recognized the link between palmistry and health. Modern medical researchers have confirmed this link.
Earth Hand – Susceptible to bowel or intestine problems.
Air Hand – Nervous tension and lung problems.
Fire Hand – Accidents and heart problems
Water Hand – Allergies, nervous system and psychological problems.

Thick Palm – Thick, well padded palms denote a robust constitution.
Thin Palms – Thin, fragile hands indicate a fragile constitution
Markings On The Fingertips –
Short dashes may indicate stress, while short vertical lines may indicate hormonal problems.
Forefinger – Pituitary gland
Middle Finger – Pineal gland
Ring Finger – Blood pressure
Little Finger – Thyroid
Health Markings – Islands On Heart Line : beneath Saturn may indicate hearing defects.
Laddered Heart Line – beneath apollo finger may indicate calcium imbalance
Star On Line – star on heart line may indicate heart problems
Diamond :a diamond attached to life line may indicate gynecological problems
Tussling : tussling of head or life line may indicate energy problems
Fingernails Speckles : imbalance of zinc
Vertical Ridges : intestinal problems
Horizontal Ridges : trauma
Wrap Around : respiratory problems
Fan Shaped : need to relax

Author: admin