The Malti Tasking Woman

From the crack of dawn to the arrival of dusk, a woman’s day is packed with every little thing to keep her occupied.

She has her hands full with unavoidable chores like preparing lunch for the family, laying out the table for breakfast, cleaning the house, getting ready for work, battling the bosses moods and finally getting home to find the house again messy and then starting off to care for the house and family. The 24 hours seem too lees for the modern woman who can not simply seem to fit an hour for herself to unwind. A list of chores is always set before her when all she wants to is just relax. The modern woman is here to stay. Her priorities are clear. If she wants a career she is also ready to give her valuable time to it. On the other hand, she also struggles hard to keep her family’s demands in her stride. From home-works to parent teacher meetings, a working woman seems to do it all. Kudos to her for doing everything with so much élan.

Have we ever thought about the modern woman? Look up dear women, if your house, husband, kids, relatives, bosses need you; also need your attention at the same time. Shuffling errands and running short of time is an excuse what every woman gives to cover up her tired looks and fading youth. She simply can not priorities herself before her family. In a pile of chores women find their needs deep under the hay sack. So much it is covered that they almost forget themselves at the end of the day. By the time she hits on the bed she also forgets clearing off her make up before sleeping. However she feels it fine and somehow manages to go for a facial once in a blue moon.


But just as her family is important so is she herself. You as woman need to take care of yourself just before it is too late. If you do not, then your family will not be taken care of. Just like everyone in the house needs your assistance you should feel important for yourself. Do not expect your family to run after you to help you in your crisis. Devour life’s beauty yourself. Relax and unwind. Splurge in the finest moments and then feel the change. Therefore at the end of the day reward yourself for the wonderful ways of being as responsible wife, mother and a working person. If you can reward your family then why not yourself.


Most women just are too crazy fro perfection. They want everything in the right place and for that they drive themselves crazy. They push themselves too hard to achieve that feeling of perfection. And if any task is left incomplete they punish themselves too hard and constantly nag themselves. Instead of feeling proud of achievement they feel pessimistic about their failures. Women too are human and they can also make mistakes. Rewarding yourself can do wonders for your self esteem. They can elevate your thinking and can make you a better person. The method of rewarding is simple Chose some particular benchmark and level of reward. You can reward yourself according to the level. The reward should be meaningful. Though small it should mean something to you. Reward yourself by giving a treat on your own and inviting yourself only. Feel the solace and comfort in your own company. You would feel better than with anyone else.



Celebrate with friends on your accomplishments. Involve your close buddies and people who are really important to you.

Reward yourself by taking a vacation on your own. Indulge in the natural beauty of the surrounding and lose yourself in the tranquility of that place. Compliment yourself. Love your looks and figure. Feel positive about your achievements and ignore other things. Focus on your positive points and results would be better. Save some money to treat yourself when you have done something very rewarding. Go for spa massage.



Read a funny book; watch T.V. to bring back fond memories of yourself when you had no responsibilities. Feel young all over again. Compliments and rewards go a long way in raising your self esteem. You should not forget yourself when you are looking for others. It is not a sin to take care of yourself. Make yourself a priority and watch results. You will perform better and happier. If you satisfy yourself only then will you satisfy others. So stop ignoring yourself and renew your life once again by living correctly.

Author: admin