Women – Internet and the world of Computers

Women and Internet

women and InternetBill Gates rightly said it is a super information highway”.
The Harbinger of silent revolution started way back in 1642 when Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical adding machines. Thereafter came up keyboard machine and concept of punched cards in 1880, resulting in invention of calculators and business machines.


Charles Babbage a nineteenth century professor at Cambridge, considered as the father of Modern digital computer came out with the idea of modern digital computer.

Women and Internet
Internet is the second biggest revolution in technology after electricity, changing the lives of today’s people and empowering them with knowledge of all kinds with one click. Now women are driving more than men on this highway. It’s a great achievement by those great souls who walk on this planet in their bodies equipped with great minds.
The whole society should salute them and specially the women for getting the opportunity to get empowered and finding equality in the men dominated world.

True tool for women’s lib.
Earlier the social circles were limited by physical proximity. But today the women have access over almost every sphere that are armed with mobiles, instant messengers, online social network and blogging, she is now part of a much wider social group where time and space is no bar. This is just because of her interest in technology, which is the most socially networked generation. In theory computer network is accessible to wide range of women and that has raised her dignity from meek creature to technology savy person who has reached and remains at the pinnacle. In practical life we have McDonnell who has made her mark through perseverance and by promoting the electronic trading revolution that has fed explosive growth in trading volume and led to recent consolidations among exchanges.

Women are crossing the threshold of cyberspace at a rapid pace.
Women currently make up over half of the online population as per some research data .That is why many address the surfer on the net as She. Over a third of online women are between ages of 18 and 55. From age group 18 to 34 purchase cosmetics, jewelry, luxury goods, toys, apparel, food flowers/gifts/greetings, tickets etc. on net only. More than half of female Internet newcomers are mothers with at least one child under the age of 18. 69% of the women surveyed go online daily. They are not only shopping they are surfing for various fields for enhancing their knowledge and to relax and entertain themselves. They are confined within the secure peripheries of four walls but their outlook is changed now they are sitting on net and expanding their horizon competing men and giving society a new dimension with their equal contribution for upliftment. They are writing articles and submitting them to the directories, search engines and they are also blogging . They are also taking keen interest in home based business through the internet and making money through various programmes available online on the internet .


Women empowerment with information technology
It started helping women empowered. A training program, called the Women’s Electronic Network Training (WENT) was started to train women in empowering them to use technology, in a way that is appropriate to what they’re doing. It gets together the women in one space, and give them training in different skills-web information, database, using ITCs for campaigning, for advocacy, for policy work. But the more important idea around it is to gather women together, and also share their experiences. And also to talk about technology in a secure and safe place. That’s because usually women find it hard (to otherwise do so). As according to some women, technology is not something they’re very comfortable with. So, it’s a way of mentoring among women. So that all their fears can be surfaced and be addressed.

Are they suppressed by gender biased society approach.

Earlier “yes” they were made invisible in terms of technology. But story today is different it is said the number of female net users are more than male users and also some researches have shown that perhaps women were the first operators because according to some researchers women were the ones who actually invented computers. But it might be just a myth. Only thing is that women can be having access over almost maximum fields because this has to do with an area where women are more traditionally seen. Like in terms of being content providers, holders of knowledge, etc. Which is a positive thing; but at the same time, it leaves them in an area, which only has to do with content. And not in relation to, let’s say, being systems administrators. And also looking at machines, taking them apart, and putting them together again.


Women and choice of tracks on the computers

In netizenship women have a choice of three different tracks. One is how to manage, develop and sustain web-information services. That has to do with a lot of things. It’s not teaching basic HTML. But it is actually looking at how do they plan, and use it. How do they empower themselves. Secondly they are using IT for their advocacy, for campaigning and for policy work in relation to what technologies should be developed and in relation to access. Lastly in the field of database, because they are small in number. For instance women’s groups like Jagori and Akshara from have undergone a training program in. With the help of training they have set up their own databases.


Women and BPO Industry
Business process outsourcing has tremendously changed the working scenario in terms of socio-economic developments and financial gains. Growth of BPO sector has worked as energy booster for the women. It has brought about a definite and positive change in her personality, outlook, career, lifestyle, and attitude and in their identity.
The industry has increased their ability to express linguistically that means they are not only helpers in modifying their personality but also has increased their financial gains within the time limit much earlier than before. Since most of the call centers serve the western countries, they are trained in understanding the culture, accent, language and customs of that country. In addition, there are perks of overseas travel to understand customer’s business processes.

The BPO sector employs thousands of women every year, providing new and convenient forms of work for women, which helps them take care of their family in better manner. The call centers also prefer women as they are perceived to be more hard working, patient, loyal and with better interpersonal skills than men. It is a taboo at times for others see women late hours or at night time in the call centers but gradually the narrow outlook is taken over by acceptance approach as the working in call centers means international secure working atmosphere and higher salaries, zero- tolerance for sexual abuse and free pick-up and drop-off facility at home. It is now choice of majority number of women just out of schools . It also means financial independence as well as all round development. It has also pampered them by giving them training for karate, gym facilities etc. It has adorned them with positive attitude and outlook towards life and has helped them in the overall empowerment. Briefly saying IT industry -internet has brought revolution in the lives of women as they are coming out of their don’ts and gradually stepping towards the path of technology that has, to some extent, filled the vacuum of unemployment by providing suitable jobs.


IT Industry -internet has not only increased efficiency and productivity of women but also their quality of work. It is remarkable that at the speed internet has transformed itself into services like google, yahoo, msn e mail, messenger, free telephony revolutionizing communications on the internet, dating sites, friendship groups, friends, family and women’s forums, web cam, uploading photographs, music and ring tones downloads, podcsat, video cast ,blue tooth and many more. It is continuously transforming itself on minute to minute basis. World is now a small global village where women dominate through the internet.


“Today is a gift, that’s why it is called the present






Become an entrepreneur.

Become healthy, wealthy, wise, prosperous, abundant, affluent, and really rich using this innovation.
Spread education, peace, love, and harmony universally.

You have the technology and the tools.

You can really do it and secure the future generations.

Author: admin