Mom’s The Word

She listens for you, she works for you, and she cares for you from morning to noon she slogs to give you each thing you desire, in other words she lives for you. She is your mother. A woman who brought you in this world but unfortunately is always taken for granted.

With mother’s day around the corner, its time we all realized the importance of mothers in our lives. Whether poor or rich, each mother tries to do the best for he kids at any cost. You name anything and she does it for you without a second thought. No matter the pain or agony she goes through in delivering her baby, the joys seem unlimited once the baby is in her hands. From the day of conception, she realizes the importance and responsibility of nurturing her child till her dying day. Children might move on once they grow to get married or establish themselves, but the mother is always blessing her child for happiness unlimited wherever they are.


The heartbreaking part is where children do not realize the importance of that woman who gave them love and nourished them with care. Children seem to set their priorities on something else that lures them better. It is only in the time of crisis that a mother is memorized by her kids. The agony that one goes through in life’s hardship seems to fade away the moment a child remembers his mother. From battling with friends in school, to battling with higher studies in colleges she supports and encourages her kids. She remains awake in the dead of the night to serve them food while they study till the wee hours of morning struggling to get good marks in academics.


However, the bonding between a child and mother can never be replaced. The umbical chord in the womb has a lot of effects on the development of the child. The thoughts manifested by the mother cause a direct influence on the growing fetus safely coiled inside the mother. Her habits including her drinking and eating, her thoughts, her intake in any form are all passed on to the fetus. She is told and directed to eat and drink good food and nothing that would harm the baby. She even redirects her thinking process for the sake of her baby. . Therefore, there is direct connection between the mother and child. The mother can sense any problem faced by her child. She has this great intuitive ability to bring out her troubled child from the troubled waters in life. Saving her child comes naturally to her. She is always beside her kids during their illness too, praying for their recovery. With a smile and her loving healing touch she heals her child easily.


Fathers on the other hand are not as inclined towards their kids as their better halves are. They are supportive on the financial front and are concerned about the development of the child with regard to his career. Not compromising on anything, fathers do not cling themselves to their kids. It is the mother who is always vouching for the overall development of the child.


But sadly mothers are not on appreciated when they are with their kids. The kids are always complaining about everything to their moms. They know it is their mom who listens to everything since she has a soft heart and not the father who is simply the bread earner. Therefore they pour out their anger and frustration on the poor mom who is always ready to listen any complaint from her dear child.


But isn’t this injustice. She is always at the other end to protect her kids, but her kids show their back when it is their turn to return the favor. They seem to be too engrossed in their careers or their own families and don’t bother to even listen to their parents.


It’s very strange to learn the horrifying data of aged parents wandering alone on the streets left by their children or grandchildren. In an attempt to avoid an overburden of their parents the children simply ignore to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of them.


Moms especially are not taken care of as the way they should be. They are abused, shouted at or even hit sometimes by their elder children. This sad frame of motherhood gives a feeling of worthlessness in the upbringing provided by the mother.


A mother who is in this world should also know that she is a woman who needs to take care of herself first. She should understand that taking care of her is the first step to make a strong foundation for her family. Understanding her own needs should be the first important thing. But if she is not careful about herself, children should help her in taking care of her by the following ways:


  • By listening to her when she wants your attention


  • By being there for at the time of need.


  • By proving her financial help in her difficult times.


  • By understanding her old age and being supportive


  • Old age has its own side effects. She might be having some physical or mental ailment. She should be provided with regular health check up.


  • Gifting her in some or the way to appreciate her loving and kind ways.


  • Taking her outside for a walk or for movies/dinner.


Strange but true, mothers are the providers for the family. They even take care of their husbands who are entirely dependant on them. They need them for cooking, cleaning, running errands or even financial help. So much they are dependant that they even do not attempt to do the smallest errand taking it for granted that his better half would do. This makes mothers completely exhausted to take care of her. She needs time for herself too. Just like caring for the family she needs to do the same thing for herself. Form the crack of dawn till the dusk she is always burning herself to keep the light of her house shine brightly. Every day should be celebrated as mother’s day and not jus 11th May. She needs to be respected and provided with the same love that she gives to her family.

Author: admin