Smart Kitchen for the Smart Woman

A woman’s friendliest and best place is her kitchen where she spends a very important time slot in the entire day. Juggling between career and home, the modern woman has very less time for herself.

The kitchen is far away from the imaginary. Her kitchen is a reflection of herself. An unkempt woman is bound to keep her kitchen in the same way. Whereas the fitness conscious would ensure a healthy place to cook meals for her family and equally providing justice to herself. A woman can begin to change the outlook of her kitchen as early as she wants. The first move to change the appearance of the woman of the house is to first change her cooking area. This is the place that is most likely to fall prey to nasty temptations overlooking healthy lifestyle. What you stock in your kitchen cupboard and refrigerator reflects about the image you would want to carry out. The temptations to wage war against healthy eating are many. But the main victory is to overcome these nasty pitfalls and emerge a winner. A steadfast no’ is enough to make you win the battle against the bulge and carve the road to health.

Constant affirmatives are the only necessary ingredients to ward off those provocative foods that seduce your taste buds and lure you towards them. Temptations are the only constant companions with you on the road to fitness. The foods, which you consider frivolous, are the ones peeking out of the closet and looking at you straight in the eye. They look as if to question you ? What happened, why are you running away from me, one small bite won’t harm’. This seems horrendous for the innocent woman who had promised death against binge eating. The cycle continues. The woman who started on a promissory note ends up being frustrated and miserable all the more thus inviting depression and unsatisfaction. This ends up in juxtaposition in her family life. The culprit. The Kitchen The protector, An arm’s reach to all the health friendly eatables, which act as finger food. Easy on the taste buds, but delectable and healthy. It’s very easy to step backward and become directionless in terms of your aim. But then a kitchen stocked with healthy options ends up being a winner.

How to start off

Tricky question. But the answer is simple. Scan all the stock in the kitchen starting from the pantry to the fridge. The leftovers, puddings, chocolate, mousse, soufflé, ice creams etc that comfortably rest in their domain need to be thrashed out of their place. After all your entire health is at stake. High sugary foods are the ones that need to go out. Instead lower calorie foods, carbohydrates, cereals, fruits, vegetables should always be readily available in the kitchen. Also in the queue to move out are cheese, pasta, macaroni, soda, mayonnaise, white rice, white bread and puddings. Instead replace them with spinach, sweet potato, tomatoes, cucumbers, whole wheat bread, carrots, brown rice, wheat, fresh yogurt, Soya, milk, cottage cheese.

Change yourself to battle ill health in the family
A family’s health rests on the delicate shoulders of the woman of the house. She needs to be sincere and dedicated to set an example of a healthy eater. This would then pass on to the husband and then to the kids. Ignoring rules and delaying deadlines to start off a new lifestyle requires dedication in trust in yourself and others. The woman of the house can start off with certain following point:


By storing lots of water in the house
• By bringing home more dairy products
• By spending on fruits
• By minimizing junk food in the house
• By reading food labels before buying them
• By investing in cookbooks to spruce up healthy meals for the family
• By giving away the leftovers to someone else rather than stock it in the house
• By re-shuffling materials in the kitchen


A smart woman is the winner all the way. She paves the right path for her family. Becoming a good example to others in the house would make each and every member of the family fit as a fiddle.

Author: admin